Top 10 Django third party apps

We have been developing with Django for a while now and there are some projects that are very handy when developing quick prototypes.

We have summarized our top ten favorites in this post.

Django Extensions

pip install django-extensions

This is an amazing collection of small command line scripts and other tools that makes life easier when developing with Django.

Django Rest Framework

pip install djangorestframework

Django REST Framework is the standard library by now if you are an avid REST fan. This increases your development speed with 10X. You basically need to configure your Serializers, Views and URLs to get started in no time.

This is a must if you are building backends based on REST APIs.

Django Graphene

pip install graphene-django

Graphene for Django is a layer that helps you build GraphQL apps with Python and Django. The documentation is amazing and there are many apps using this in production. Make sure to check the activity in Github as there have been a lot of changes in the community lately.

Django REST Framework Simple JWT

pip install djangorestframework-simplejwt

JSON Web Token is a standard by now and this package makes it simple
to get started with JWT and Django REST Framework.

This together with a library like Axios in the frontend gives your app a really good base to build upon.

Django Autoslug

pip install django-autoslug

A great app for generating slugs related to your model instances. Makes it super easy and convenient to customize the format of your slug.

Django Dirty Fields

pip install django-dirtyfields

This library comes in handy when you have tables with many columns. This tracks the changes in your model instance and can make the writes to your DB less heavy. We love the clean and straightforward API.

Django Phonenumber Field

pip install django-phonenumber-field

This is a great library that makes it easy to handle phone numbers in different formats. Since most of us are now using our phone as the primary device to login to different services this becomes very handy.

Django Simple History

pip install django-simple-history

This third party app makes it easy to track changes in your models. Especially if you want to know how often things change status and other relevant data.

It comes with a great API out of the box and you also get access to the changes in the built in Django Admin interface.

Django Storages

pip install django-storages

This package comes with a custom collection of storage backends for Django. You can save files to AWS S3, Azure Storage, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean and more.

Django CORS Headers

pip install django-cors-headers

This package is a plug and play way to enable CORS headers in your Django project. You can customize the most common parameters.

We prefer configuring CORS headers in Nginx but this works fine in most cases.

Did we miss your favorites. Let us know!